Author: Victor Dominic

  • I’m back to Lark Lane

    I’m back to Lark Lane

    Ahhh old good hippie Lark Lane… So I’m back there for good. Means I’m not longer on Prescot Road with massages.

  • IBD Active – where and when?

    IBD Active – where and when?

    As some of you know I’m working on project for community affected with Crohn’s and Colitis. General idea is to promote healthy active lifestyle to patients to show them they can manage some of symptoms with regular exercising. 

  • Diet not date

    Diet not date

    First couple weeks of dieting may be funny. Especially when you mainly focused only on dieting before it become everyday routine.

  • Stress accumulated in muscles

    Stress accumulated in muscles

    It’s a common approach to associate shoulder tightness and pain with stress related factors. It’s very true. We accumulating stress in muscle tissue but it’s not only shoulders

  • What’s up with you guys?

    What’s up with you guys?

    I’ve been today in JD Gym for LBT classes. There was about 30 participants and I was only guy. C’mon lads, what’s wrong with you? Is that big chest, tiny legs stereotype still on?