Deadly Dozen Group Prep Program

I’m a Deadly Dozen master coach, fully affiliated with the brand, but honestly, that’s just a technical detail. What really matters is that I love the concept to pieces! I’m super excited for an awesome 2025 season ahead, not just for my athletes but for myself too.

Let’s prepare for the race together

Nothing beats having a community when you’re gearing up for an event. Sharing experiences and growing together is a huge part of what Deadly Dozen is all about. We’ve got a WhatsApp group where we connect with each other every day.

Program will be adjusted to your specific needs based on the kind of race you’re getting ready for, whether it’s track, strong, erg, or a mix. I’ll also take into account your experience and how much time you have before your next event. I use this awesome app called MyPTHub, and you’ll get full access to it. Besides your training program, you can track your progress, explore nutrition tips, and more!

I’ll be keeping an eye on your progress through the app. You can message me anytime if you need advice, whether it’s about tweaking your program or getting some help with your nutrition. We’ll also do check-ins every other week to catch up and see how things are going. All with Deadly Dozen coaching philosophy.


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