Current shake: Kale and spirulina

My relation with shakes are on and off to be honest but I’m really happy to enjoy them when I don’t limit carbs and I need healthy sources of energy.
So this one is as many of other shakes (smoothies) you can find. I’ve just added some modification to hit weight or cardio workouts.
Handful of kale
Handful of spinach
Handful of nuts, best Brazilian (avoid if you allergic)
Whole kiwi (yes with skin)
Ts spiruliana
Ts maca
Ts milk thistle seeds
Almond milk (unsweetened or homemade).
Simple chop bigger pieces into smaller and blend it with smoothie maker if you have one or with blender. I’m using the basic £5 blender from Tesco and it’s fine. Make sure all milk thistle seeds are crushed as you don’t want broke your teeth on it. That’s my idea, try it, modify, make it work best for you.

Bon apetit,




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